Half wave Rectifier and full wave Rectifier


To construct a half-wave rectifier circuit and full wave rectifier and determine the ripple factor.


Transformer (0-6), AC voltmeter, DC voltmeter (0-10 V), Capacitor (100µF), diode.

Circuit Diagram:-


A rectifier is a device that converts Alternating current (AC) to Direct current. This flows in only one direction. The process is known as “Rectification” since it “Straightens” the direction of the current. There are two types of rectifier’s half-wave and Full-wave.

Half-wave Rectifier:-

In half-wave rectifier, when the AC supply is applied at the input, the positive half cycle appears across the load, whereas the negative half cycle is suppressed. This can be done by using the semiconductor P-N junction diode. The diode allows the current to flow during the positive half cycle only, thus the positive half appears as fluctuating DC voltage.

Full-wave Rectifier:-

In the full-wave rectifier circuit, we use two diodes, one for each half of the wave. A multiple winding transformer is used whose secondary winding is split equally into two half with a common centre-tapped connection configuration result in each diode conduction in turn when its anode terminal is positive with respect to the transformer center point C produces an output during both half cycle. The same can be realized using bridge rectifier which does not need a centre tapped transformer 

Ripple factor:-

It is the ratio of the rms value of AC to the rms value of the DC component of the output voltage.


1)   Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram.

     2)   DC and Ac voltmeter reading is noted for different load resistance.

     3)   And calculate the ripple factor.

     4)   These steps are repeated or several times.


Tabular column:-


Resistance RL

VAC In volts

VDC in Volts

Ripple factor



Half wave Rectifier














Full wave Bridge Rectifier














Ripple factor of Half-wave Rectifier Ɣ= ……..

Ripple factor of Full-wave Rectifier Ɣ= ……..


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