Frequency Modulation


To study the process of frequency modulation and to calculate the depth of modulation by varying the modulating voltage.


Trainer kit.

Circuit diagram


Frequency modulation is a system in which the amplitude of the modulated carrier is kept constant, while its frequency is varied by the modulating signal. The first practical system was put forward in 1936 as an alternative to AM in an effort to make radio transmission more resistance to noise. Phase modulation is a similar system in which the phase of the carrier signal is varied instead of its frequency as in FM, the amplitude of the carrier signal remains constant.

The general equation of carrier wave may be written as.

X=A Sin (ωt+θ)


X=instantaneous value of voltage

A=Amplitude (max)

ω =Angular velocity, radians per second

θ = phase angle radians, radians.



1)  Check the apparatus before making the connection.

2)  Connect the AC adaptor to the mains and another side to the experimental trainers.

3)  Observe carrier signal and modulating signal on dual trace CRO

a)   Carrier signal: Modulator output without any modulating input. Carrier frequency is 160 kHz and amplitude is


b)   Modulating signal :

4)  Connect the modulating signal to the modulator input and observe modulating signal and FM output on a dual trace CRO. And plot waveform.

       Tabular column:-


Amplitude of Modulation


Modulated Frequency




















Studied the process of frequency modulation and calculated the depth of modulation by varying modulation voltage.


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