Evolution of Robotics


Robotics is a subject that has no specific boundaries. It is way more different than how it’s been shown in the films. Whenever people heard the word Robotics they imagine it with 1 head 2 legs 2 hands and some lights in its eyes just likewise a human being. But a robot could be anything any size any shape. It involves the concepts of Physics, Mathematics, Computer science engineering, Electrical, and Electronics engineering, mechanical engineering and much more. The applications of robotics are enormous and diverse. These things make this subject much more interesting than other subjects.



Karel Capek a Czech playwriter used the term Robot in 1921 in his drama called Rossum’s Universal Robots. A robot is a Czech word that means Force. The amazing thing about this is there was not a single robot existing at that time. But still, Capek gave a definition of a robot i.e. robot is a machine look-wise similar to a human being.

Than after 21 years in 1942 Isaac Asimov introduced the word Robotics in his story Runaround. But still, there was not a single Robot existing at that time.

Than after 12 years in 1954 George Devol got the first patent on manipulators. A manipulator is a robot whose base is fixed. In 1956 Joseph Eagleburger started the first robotics company called Unimation. Genera motors used the manipulator UNIMATE in the die-casting application in 1962. Than General Electric Corporation made a 4 legged vehicle in 1967. after this number of robots were built.

These robots mainly functioned in manufacturing units and in interplanetary missions.



Classification of Robots:-


1) Based on the task performance



2)   Based on the type of control




3)   Based on the type of coordinate system

4)   Based on the type of Workspace




5)   Based on the type of Mobility


Because of these robots, our life became so easy it may be in manufacturing like spot welding, drilling grinding. And in interplanetary mission. It took a very long time to develop such machines which we can send to other planets for research. which saves the Risk of human life, reduces the efforts, And maintains the quality of works much better than humans.






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