Complete Guide of Karnataka Arts Science and commerce college Bidar web site

(📷:- Karnataka Arts Science and Commerce college Bidar)

In the outbreak of covid-19, all the colleges have been shut down for a long time. Now, Most colleges and institutions are shifting to online education. Karnataka arts science and Commerce College is also one of them, college administration decided to make future interactions between student and faculty online as much as possible. To keep them safe from the infectious virus. This makes a complete contactless healthy interaction.


Go through the following steps to understand how to use the site.



Steps 1)

Login procedure:-


a)  Open the Gmail app in your phone with the same Email id which you have provided at the time of admission in the First Semester.


Note: - in case you lost your previous mail id contact college to update new Email id.


b) Click on the 3 lines at the top left corner and open the spam box.

c)  There you have received an Email from Vikas swami via (kasccb)

d) Open the mail and note down the username and temporary password correctly.



Tip:-remember the username and copy only the password



e)  Below the password you have been provided with a link, Click on the link if the link opens in another Browser rather than a chrome copy the link and paste in a new tab of chrome.


       Note: - make sure you marked the desktop site


Step 2) 

Getting started

a)  Open the link with a chrome

b) login with user name and temporary  password provided to you

c)  After logging in you need to create your new password

d)  Password must have upper, lower case latter one character and number.

Ex: - Username@1

e)  After creating your new password logout and login again using the new password.

f) Then you will see an interface as shown below.



Step 3)

Updating your profile:-

Before you go with the content update your profile.

a)  Click on your name at the top right corner.

b) Click on profile.

c)  In the user detail box click on Edit profile.

d) Update your name, surname.

e)  write a little description about you (not mandatory),

f)   Upload your photo by clicking the file icon at the top left corner of the new picture box.

g) the Second option will be selected by default i.e.  Upload a file.

h) Then Click on choose file.

i)    Click your new photo or choose it from files.

j)    And click on upload this file.  


You can add some other information about you

Like your web page link, Skype id, yahoo id, mobile number, etc. by clicking on optional 

k) Finally click on update profile.

Step 4)

Now you’re ready to get started with the courses.

a)  Click on the 3 lines at the top left corner

b) Click on-site home.

c)  Scroll down little and click on All courses

d) Select the suitable course for you.

Ex. B.Sc

e)  Select your semester.

Ex. 6th

f)   All the syllabus of  B.Sc 6th will appear to choose a topic.

Ex. signal conditions and micro-controller.


g) Click on the quiz and attempt the quiz.

h) You can attempt the quiz any number of times before its closing time.

i)    By clicking on the finish attempt you finish the quiz.

j)    Same procedure follows for all quizzes.

k) You can check your score by clicking on your photo at the top right corner.

l)    And select  Grades.


m) By clicking on the course name you will get the complete details of the quiz.

Note: - some quizzes may have a timer.



Now click on 3 lines at the top left corner click on Calendar: -  It keeps your quiz records.

Then click on Dashboard: -

There is a feature in the dashboard at the online user section which shows you how many of your friends are online.

Messaging: - 

There is a message icon between bell icon and your name at the top right corner where you can search for your friends name and chat with them in private.

Note: most content is not available at the time we are writing  this article, you can wait for your lecture to upload the content 


For laboratory manual of B.Sc physics and electronics 

Click here  








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