Inverse square law

Purpose: -

Ensuring the opposite square rule of nuclear radiation.

Apparatus: -

GM tube, GM calculation system, Radioactive source.

Opinion: -

Gamma radiation is part of the electromagnetic field. it broke out. So the size varies against the square of the distance. Follow the opposite square rule.

I ∝1/d2

Process: -

1) Set the GM counter with 450V & calculate the background count.

2) Place the spring in the first place in the GM hole and set the pre-set time as 30 sec.

3) Note that no. For the pluses of the first set time of 30 minutes Repeat the process by moving the source to different locations.

4) Repeat the above step for slowing down.

5) Take the calculation of each groove and adjust it by reading the background.

6) Plot ln graph of adjusted values v / s ln of distance.

7) Find the slope of the graph, it should be -2.

Note: -

1) Used source _________ (eg Cesium)

2) Voltage Operating Voltage (Vo) _________V volumes

3) 30 second background count b1 = _________. b2 = _____________

4) Reverse calculation specified b = (b1 + b2) / 2

5) Second rear calculation N0 = b / 30 =

Tabular column:-

Calculation: -

Rate ln Ni v / s lnd

Result: -

The slope of the graph is 2 (Negative 2), which confirms the opposite square rule.


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