Characteristics of GM counter

Purpose: -
Study the features of the GM. Hence calculation system to Find out how it works powerfully.

Apparatus: -
GM tube, GM counter, Radioactive source

Principle: -
when radioactive fallout enters the GM tube field
the ionized gas inside it and the electric field used between the electrode drift electron (Negative ion) directed at the anode.
The electron is collected in the anode from the current intensity and those pulses are calculated by the various voltages used using the GM calculation system.

Opinion: -
The relationship between the calculation level and the power of the electricity used over the counter is called the feature curve and from which we take the following factors.
Power Initiation (Vs): This is the small amount of electrical energy used in a detector to operate it.

Plain height (or active plateau region): The gas potential of the corresponding flat slope length = = V2-V1).
operating voltage (or active voltage) Vo: is the voltage corresponding to the central station Vo = V1 + V2 / 2

percentage gradient: percentage change in calculation rate per volt.
Percentage of gradient = N2-N1 ÷ (V2-V1) × 100%

Process: -
Switch on the GM counter.
Set the timer to 30 seconds and the potential difference is 300V
Place a fountain near the window.
Increase the voltage by 30V toll 700V steps and record the number of calculations
Record two power readings each and count your estimates
Background calculation: Set the GM counter to 450V record no. of counts for 30sec without resources
Subtract the ground count after each reading to get the correct calculation.
Plot graph to calculate the adjusted v / s voltage used.

Note: -
Source used = ________ex. (cesium)
Background count of 30 sec = b1 _______ b2 _________

Background number b = (b1 + b2) / 2

Backward calculation per second = b / 30
Calculation: -

operating voltage = Vo = v1 + v2 / 2 =… .. Volts

Graph type: -
Results: -

The operating voltage of the GM counter is Vo =….... Volts.



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